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Career Highlights
Career in Review
At Tour level in 2024 played main draw at Linz and Cluj-Napoca. Posted her eighth ITF title at W35 Seville
In 2023, posted strongest WTA result at Bogota reaching 2r (as qualifier, l. Brancaccio). Reached 3r of qualifying at Wimbledon (l. Juvan) and also won two more ITF titles at Mosquera $25K and Heraklion $40K.
Entered first Grand Slam in 2022 with qualifying at US Open (l. Carle), played 1r at Prague (as LL, l. eventual champion Bouzkova) and broke into Top 200.
Contested first Tour level match at Linz main draw (l. Van Uytvanck) in 2021.
Reached one ITF final in 2019 and represented Austria at 2020 Billie Jean King Cup.
Began on ITF circuit in 2018 at the age of 16, winning at Antalya $15K.
- Singles
- Doubles
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No grand slam information available at this time
This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events
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