Practice With Intensity

  • Apply all the skills you need in match conditions to your practice sessions.
  • Don’t avoid your weak areas; practice working on them to improve your ability to manage them!

Self Talk

  • Use “buzz” words or phrases to help you at critical moments. For example, try “move in” or “attack.”
  • Keep your self-talk positive.

Play In The Moment

  • Focus on just this point, right now and give it your best effort, no matter what the score.
  • Keep your focus on the process not on the outcome.

Deal With Distractions

  • Distractions can be internal (what you are thinking) or external (what is going on around you).
  • Avoid Distractions by focusing on something concrete, e.g. look at your racquet between points.
  • Manage distractions by changing your perception, e.g.“My opponents bathroom break allows me to stretch and rehydrate”
  • Observe distractions passively - see them happening but don’t judge them


A balanced diet is critical not only for top performance, but also for a healthy brain and emotional health. 

  • Consistent fueling with adequate kcals and carbohydrates is especially important for optimal cognition.
  • The main source of fuel for muscles AND your brain is carbohydrate. While your muscles prefer carbohydrates as an energy source, fat and protein can also be metabolized for energy. Your brain, however, relies solely on glucose (carbohydrate) for energy.
  • Certain foods are also beneficial for brain health, including omega-3 fatty acids and flavonoids/polyphenols.
    - Omega-3 fatty acids: fatty fish (salmon, trout, herring, anchovies), walnuts, flax seed, soybeans, plant oils including canola and flaxseed oil
    - Flavonoids/polyphenols: berries, tomatoes, red and purple grapes, tea, onions, kale, broccoli, citrus fruits
  • Choose a nutrient-dense diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, and adequate calories and carbohydrates to keep your brain working at its best!

The information provided within this topic is for informational purposes only and should not be treated as medical, psychiatric, psychological, health care or health management advice. If you have any health or related questions or concerns, please consult your physician or other qualified health care professional.