Career High
Apr 24 2000
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Coached by Stefan Leiner...Favorite surfaces are hard and grass; best shots are serve and forehand...Father, Peter, is a salesman and a former football player; mother, Doris, is a nurse and ski instructor; has a younger brother, Christian...Graduated from high school in September 1997...Self-described as funny and friendly with a good sense of humor...Superstitious about wearing the same shirt (washed!), and putting on finger tape...Admires her mother because sheÆs always in a good mood and tries to help everybody, and Nelson Mandela as a great man...Tennis player admired is Thomas Muster as a great fighter and worker, and the best comeback player ever after his knee injury...Favorite place to visit is Sydney...Other sports interests include skiing, in-line skating, swimming and biking...Favorite book is Der Alchemist; favorite movies are Wild Things and The Game; favorite actors are Tom Cruise and Meg Ryan.

Career Highlights

Winner (2): 2002 - Casablanca; 2001 - ITF/Tbilibi-GEO; 2000 - Bogota; 1999 - ITF/Bytom-POL; 1998 - ITF/Tashkent-UZB; 1996 - ITF/Amazonas-BRA, ITF/Tashkent-UZB.
Finalist (1): 1999 - Sao Paulo.

Winner (6): 2003 - Estoril, Bol (both w/Mandula); 2002 - Vienna, Casablanca (both w/Mandula); 2001 - Tashkent (w/Mandula); 1999 - Tashkent (w/Koulikovskaya).
Finalist (6): 2003 - Hobart (w/Schett), Acapulco (w/Mandula); 2002 - Tokyo [Princess Cup] (w/Mandula); 2000 - Auckland (w/Schwartz), Bratislava (w/Mandula); 1999 - Pattaya City (w/Koulikovskaya).

Austrian Fed Cup Team 2000-04. Austrian Olympic Team 2000.

No grand slam information available at this time

This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events


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* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.

Singles Career High Ranking
Highest Singles
Apr 24, 2000
Doubles Career High Ranking
Highest Doubles
May 12, 2003