Patricia Ladis, PT, CBBA is a holistic physical therapist to professional & recreational athletes, dancers, pregnant/postpartum women, tennis professionals and has a specialty in getting to the root cause of pain/performance issues. Additionally, she is the author of "The Wise Woman's Guide to Your Healthiest Pregnancy" & "Birth- Helping Wise Women and Men Have a Healthy Baby".


Patricia Ladis received her Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from New York University. She has post-graduate certificates focused on manual therapy, biomechanical assessment, nerve pain, chronic pain, injury prevention, prenatal/postpartum wellness & holistic health. She also is a Certified Behavioral Breathing Analyst allowing her to help people with pain or breathing dysfunctions, including pregnant and postpartum women.


Patricia has been an on-site physical therapist for dancers (Rockettes, ABT& many Broadway shows-The Producers, Lion King, etc) and various tennis professionals. Patricia has appeared on NBC News, Fox News and featured in The New Rules of Running, Back Rx, FORBES, VOGUE, Men’s Health, and Ladies’ Home Journal. Patricia is founder of WiseBody Physical Therapy - helping patients tap into their body's innate wisdom to heal and eliminate pain. She is also the co-founder of The First 1000 Days of Wellness who’s aim is to prevent non-communicable diseases in parents and babies by focusing on wellness during preconception through the first 2 years of life. It is an educational platform for the public and includes training programs for medical and spa practitioners.


When you replace I with WE, even illness becomes WEllness!

- Malcolm X