Associate Professor Deirdre McGhee is a sports physiotherapist and director of Breast Research Australia. She leads Breast Research and Education within the Australian Institute of Sport Female Performance and Health Initiative, is a Fellow of Sports Medicine Australia and member of the College of Physiotherapy. Her teaching at the University of Wollongong focuses on musculoskeletal anatomy and pathology within both Graduate Medicine and the School of Medical, Indigenous and Health Sciences. She has extensive experience as a clinician, researcher, and teacher in breast support and protection in relation to breast pain and breast injuries in female athletes and active women, and breast-related musculoskeletal issues experienced by women with large breasts and women following breast cancer surgery. 


Deirdre received her Bachelor of Applied Science in Physiotherapy from the University of Sydney. She also obtained her Diploma of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Acupuncture/Chinese Herbs from Sydney College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Additionally, she completed her Doctor of Philosophy Degree at the University of Wollongong. 


She has written several evidence-based educational resources, including the Female Performance and Health Initiative’s Breast Health Education Module (, Exercise and breast support guidelines for Sports Medicine Australia (, Physical Recovery and Preparation following Breast Reconstruction for BCNA ( and the web-based resource Sportsbra (


For female athletes, a sports bra is a piece of sporting equipment, not a piece of underwear.

- Anonymous