Career High
Jan 12 2004
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0 / 0

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More on Serna...


Coached by Fernando Garcia Lleo...A baseline player who prefers grass courts; has a strong serve...Given name is Maria Luisa, but prefers nickname Magui...Mother, Concepcion Barrera Godoy, is a housewife; father, Ulpiano Serna Ramirez, is a businessman; has two older brothers, Ulpi and Raul, and an older sister, Palmira...Enjoys visiting Rome for its culture...Has been studying sports management in Barcelona since 1998...Self-described as a little bit shy and happy...Admires Pete SamprasÆ game...Favorite movie is Jerry Maguire; favorite actors are Tom Cruise, Chris OÆDonnell, Meg Ryan and Julia Roberts; favorite singers are Madonna and Jennifer Lopez...Other sports interests include basketball and football...Relaxes by swimming and playing golf.

Career Highlights

Winner (3): 2003 - Estoril, Budapest; 2002 - Estoril; 1996 - ITF/Valladolid-ESP, ITF/Wahlscheid-GER, ITF/Athens-GRE 3; 1995 - ITF/Mallorca-ESP 4; 1994 - ITF/Gaborone-BOT, ITF/Harare-ZIM.
Finalist (3): 2002 - Porto; 2001 - Porto, Eastbourne.
Semifinalist (2): 2000 - Knokke-Heist; 1999 - Birmingham.

Winner (2): 2004 - Eastbourne (w/Molik); 2001 - Knokke-Heist (w/Ruano Pascual).
Finalist (4): 2003 - Eastbourne (w/Capriati), New Haven (w/Molik); 2002 - Porto (w/Boogert); 2000 - Rome (w/Sanchez-Vicario).
Semifinalist (13): 2004 - Paris [Indoors] (w/Vento-Kabchi), New Haven (w/Molik); 2003 - Paris [Indoors], Warsaw (both w/Boogert), Zurich (w/Molik); 2002 - Australian Open (w/Martinez), Brussels (w/Ruano Pascual), Luxembourg (w/Boogert); 2001 - Gold Coast (w/Schnyder), Madrid (w/Arendt), Basel (w/Hantuchova), Moscow (w/Montalvo); 1999 - Leipzig (w/Nagyova).

Spanish Fed Cup Team 1997-2000, 2002-03. Spanish Olympic Team 2000, 2004.

No grand slam information available at this time

This player has not participated in any Grand Slam Singles Main Draw events


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* For purposes of the player profile, individual player stats are cumulative for the calendar year and not calculated using a minimum match requirement.

Singles Career High Ranking
Highest Singles
Jan 12, 2004
Doubles Career High Ranking
Highest Doubles
Jul 05, 2004